Wednesday, October 1, 2008


It is what you are, what you have in you that counts.
It is the undeveloped resources in your mind, in you spirit, in that inward man that counts. inv
It is the developing of the write, the thinker, the teacher, the invevtor, the leaeder, the business manager that is hidden deep in you that is important.
I venture that everyone of you young men and women who read this have in you one of these abilities.
There may be an untrained voice, untrained musical abilities lying hidden under the careless, thoughtless exterior.
Let us go down with a flashlight and look over the untouched treasures that are stored away inside, that have never been touched, never been used.
Then let us bring the thing up that we fing and make it worth while; give it a commercal value.
For remember that everything that make at goes toward making you a success is inside of you.
The thing that makes opportunities, that makes money, that saves money, that creates new things, that brings together things that others have creates but were unable to utilize, is inside of you.
Find it and make it work.
It is going to require a boss who is utterly heartless to rule over you. The boss in inside you.
there is a slave drive in there whom you must bring out. put the whip in his hand and tell him to go to it and make you a success.
There is something in you that can take these dreams of yours and make bliue prints of them, and then can change the bliue prints into buildings.
It is there.
That ability is there.
No one else can train it. no one else can develop it.
Someone else may set it on fire, but you can quench the fire by refusing to act.
Remember that you must use the suggestions that come; you must rise up and put the thing over.
You must drive yourself, for no one else can do it.
Put yourself on a mental diet, not a diet of idle dreams nor idle fancies, but a diet of real mental work.
Be mentally awake, diligent. Put your best into every day.
Make up your day of saved moment, hours.
You are out to win. You are out to conquer. You can do it .
It would be different if this ability were in someone else and you were trying to awaken it.
It is all in you and you are going to put it over.

Jackson Jonathan S.
for your school of Thoght will be here weekly.

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